Preparing for Orientation

Be sure to submit your reservation for an Orientation session using the reservation system. Please read the following information about preparing for your arrival at Orientation.


  • Check-in is from 7:30-9:10am at Manzanita Village on Monday or Thursday, the first day of the two-day session.
  • We advise you to arrive early to avoid the last-minute rush and to take advantage of tours that are offered.
  • At check-in, you will receive important information and materials for the two-day session.

  • Parents who are registered to attend Orientation must also check in between 7:30-9:10am.
  • Declared Dance and Theater majors must check in by 8:15am in order to attend an advising meeting with their department at 8:45am. (Please note that Music majors will not have a morning meeting. They will receive an email from the major department advisor with course instructions).

Parking for Orientation

Please see Directions to UCSB and Parking for Freshman Orientation on this website for parking location, fees, maps, and directions. Allow time in your plans for parking and a short walk to Manzanita Village.

What to Bring to Freshman Orientation

  • Your UCSB Net ID and password and a laptop or tablet - see instructions below under Course Registration
  • Money for parking - $8 per weekday; pay stations accept credit cards or cash ($1 and $5 bills only)
  • Unofficial copies of transcripts from previous college-level courses (high school transcripts are not needed at Orientation)
  • Casual, comfortable clothes; comfortable shoes for extensive walking; jacket for evening; water bottle

Sheets, blankets, towels, and pillow are provided for students who are staying overnight in an on-campus residence hall.

Course Registration


In order to register for Orientation and register for Fall classes, you must have a UCSB Net ID and password.

This is done by activating your U-Mail account at this website.

You must activate your U-Mail before your Orientation session and bring your UCSB Net ID and password with you to Orientation.

Laptop or tablet computer

Each student will need a laptop or tablet for course registration and advising during Freshman Orientation. Please bring a laptop or tablet computer with you to the program. Orientation will have a limited number of laptops available to lend.

If you would like to borrow a laptop, you must request this on your Orientation reservation form on the questionnaire page. Otherwise, it is expected that you will bring a laptop or tablet with you.

Parent Overnight Options

Be sure to see Hotels & Lodging on this website
for overnight options for parents.

Program Notes and Schedule

The first day of each session contains a full schedule of important events extending into the late evening hours. Student and parent activities may conclude at different times in the evening. Course registration is completed by students on the second day of the session.

Participants should be prepared to stay through the entire program which concludes between 3:00-4:00pm on the second day.  Lunch and dinner are included on the first day of the session; breakfast and lunch are included on the second day. All meals must be taken in the dining commons due to program time constraints. Vegetarian options are offered at each meal.

Illegal use of alcohol and drugs is strictly prohibited during Orientation and during the remainder of your academic career at UCSB. Students found in violation of campus alcohol and other drug policies during Orientation will be subject to campus disciplinary procedures.

Math Placement Exam

The Math Placement Exam is not a requirement for most students at UCSB.
To determine whether you need to take the exam, see Placement Exams in the Freshman Orientation section of this website.
If you need to take the Math Placement Exam, please complete it online before coming to Orientation in order to register for a math class at Orientation.

Changes and Cancellations

Any change to your reservation is subject to availability and it is preferred that changes be made well in advance of your session date. You can make changes through the reservation system up to 7 days in advance of your session. Within 7 days, please email Orientation Reservations at for assistance. You must email us directly if you need to cancel your entire reservation, as this cannot be done online.


 Have any questions?

The office is not open on weekends. In case of an emergency during Orientation sessions, participants can be contacted by leaving a message with the Manzanita Village front desk at 805-893-6161.

We look forward to meeting you this summer!

Contact UCSB Orientation Programs

Phone: 805-893-2197


Days: Monday-Friday

Time: 9:00am-12:00pm and 1:00-4:00pm