There are two placement exams that are important to review before attending Orientation. They are the Math Placement Exam (MPE) and Collaborative Writing Placement (CWP). Students should take these exams before their orientation session if they need to complete entry-level math or writing courses during their first quarter at UCSB. Students who have already satisfied entry-level math or writing credit through an AP exam, SAT/ACT score or an appropriate college course do not need to take these exams. 

Math Placement Exam

The Math Placement Exam (MPE) is a 90-minute exam that assesses student readiness for calculus courses at UCSB. Completing the MPE with a score of 2 or higher lets students register for Math 2A or Math 3A. Certain majors at UCSB require students to complete Math 2A or Math 3A within their first quarter. Failure to complete the Math Placement Exam before the second day of Orientation will prevent students from enrolling in Math 2A or Math 3A.

View Math Placement Exam Information


  • Have you scored a 2 or higher on an AP Calculus AB Exam or AP Calculus BC Exam?
  • Do you have an unofficial or self-reported score of 2 or higher on an AP Calculus AB Exam or AP Calculus BC Exam?
  • Have you scored a 5 or higher on an IB Higher Level Mathematics Analysis and Approaches Exam?
  • Have you scored an A, B or C on an A Level Mathematics Exam or A Level Further Mathematics Exam?
  • Have you earned equivalent college credit for Math 2A or 3A through a California community college, four-year university, or college outside of California?
  • Are math courses not required for your major?
  • Does your major require Math 34A instead of Math 2A or Math 3A?

If any of these statements are true, you do not need to take the Math Placement Exam.


An up-to-date list of majors which require Math 2A or Math 3A can be found through the Math Department website.

The following majors should complete Math 2A or Math 3A within their first quarter at UCSB, if Math 2A or Math 3A has not already been satisfied by college credit.

College of Letters and Science

  • Chemistry (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Biochemistry (B.S.)
  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (MCDB) (B.S.)
  • Environmental Studies (B.S.)
  • Hydrologic Sciences (B.S.)
  • Physical Geography (B.S.)
  • Physical Geography - Ocean Science Emphasis (B.S.)
  • Earth Science - Any Emphasis (B.S.)
  • Mathematics (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Applied Mathematics (B.S.)
  • Financial Math and Statistics (B.S.)
  • Statistics and Data Science (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Actuarial Science (B.S.)
  • Physics (B.A. or B.S.)
  • Undeclared students interested in declaring one of the majors listed above

College of Engineering

  • Chemical Engineering (B.S.)
  • Computer Engineering (B.S.)
  • Computer Science (B.S.)
  • Electrical Engineering (B.S.)
  • Mechanical Engineering (B.S.)

Advanced Placement Exam Results

Official results from Advanced Placement (AP) exams are usually reported to UCSB in early July.

However, at any of the Orientation sessions, students with pending AP scores will be able to register for a full set of courses appropriate for their first quarter at UCSB.

Don't forget to submit any exam scores to UCSB Admissions by the July 15 deadline!


AP Math Exam Results

For most subjects, pending AP scores will not affect your ability to select appropriate classes for your first quarter. Math scores are the only exception.

The AP Math test score is important for students in majors that require math in the first quarter. If you have your unofficial AP Math test score, have it available during Orientation! Students can refer to the College Board AP Scores for Students website to find their unofficial AP score if it is available.

Follow the instructions on the website to obtain your score.
View Your AP Scores


Entry Level Writing Requirement

The UC Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) is in place to ensure that all students are prepared to be successful in University writing courses.

There are several ways that students may have satisfied ELWR before arriving at UCSB. The options for satisfying ELWR prior to matriculation are listed on the UCSB Writing Program website.

Students who have not completed the Entry Level Writing Requirement will need to be placed in the appropriate writing course.

The UCSB Writing Program administers the Collaborative Writing Placement (CWP) for students who have not yet satisfied ELWR. Students will be contacted via email about registering for this placement program.

Note: There will be a deadline by which students must respond to this email in order to receive a writing placement in time for their Orientation session. In most cases, students who complete the UCSB Writing Program placement process by the deadline will have a writing placement in time for their Orientation registration pass time.

For more details, see the Writing Program website at Writing Program - ELWR

Please note that students do not need to complete the Entry Level Writing Requirement in the first quarter. Students are expected to complete this requirement within their first year at UCSB.


Foreign Language Placement Exams

Your Orientation advisor will explain foreign language requirements and placement. Not all students will need to take a foreign language placement exam.

These exams are not administered during Orientation. They are offered at the beginning of each academic quarter.


Previous College-level Courses

Please note: It is NOT necessary to have your high school transcripts available during Orientation.

If you have taken courses at another college or university, please have access to a copy of your unofficial transcripts during the Orientation session. The transcript should show your name, the name of the institution, the course titles, and your grades.

Official copies of all transcripts must be submitted to the UCSB Office of Admissions by July 1.

Advisors at Orientation do not have access to transcripts submitted to Admissions. Therefore, it is important to have unofficial copies available for use during Orientation advising sessions.

Transferable courses may satisfy general education, elective, or major requirements. They also may serve as satisfactory prerequisites for advanced courses at UCSB.

Academic departments may need to review and approve such credit before it is granted, particularly if the credit is from an institution other than a California community college.