What to Bring to Freshman Orientation

  • UCSB Net ID and password and a laptop or tablet - see instructions below under Course Registration
  • Money for parking - $8 per weekday; pay stations accept credit cards or cash ($1 and $5 bills only)
  • Unofficial copies of transcripts from previous college-level courses (high school transcripts are not needed at Orientation)
  • Casual, comfortable clothes; comfortable shoes for extensive walking; jacket for evening; water bottle
  • Sheets, blankets, towels, and pillow are provided for students who are staying overnight in an on-campus residence hall.

Course Registration


In order to register for fall classes at Orientation, you must have a UCSB Net ID and password. This is done by activating your U-Mail account at www.umail.ucsb.edu. You must activate your U-Mail before your Orientation session and bring our UCSB Net ID and password with you to Orientation.

Laptop or tablet computer

Each student will need a laptop or tablet for course registration and advising during Freshman Orientation. Please bring a laptop or tablet computer with you to the program. Orientation will have a limited number of laptops available to lend. If you would like to borrow a laptop, you must request this on your Orientation reservation form on the questionnaire page. Otherwise, it is expected that you will bring a laptop or tablet with you.

See Before Your Session - Freshman Sessions on this website for more information on what to bring and how to prepare for your arrival at Orientation.