
Reservation Staff


Alejandra (she/they/them) is a third-year double majoring in Political Science & Psychological & Brain Sciences. Originally from Los Angeles, California, the change from an urban to a semi suburban environment that houses the beautiful campus of UCSB provides the perfect space for personal and academic growth. During their first few years on campus, she was able to enroll in the freshman summer start program and has been able to enroll in various campus organizations such as the student government Associated Students Senate, in which they have been reelected to stay on term for this upcoming year. As well as becoming a Resident Assistant of the undergraduate apartments, and a teaching assistant at the on-campus children's center.  When not busy studying, they like to watch ATLA, drink copious amounts of caffeine, and have picnics on the beach. Alejandra is excited to provide responses to any question, comments or concerns a guest may have for both the incoming students and their parents, while being an informational resource as they navigate themselves through orientation.